Poi Dog Pondering: The Best of the Hawai'i Years (Remastered) CD Version Pre-Order

These are the very 1st, original versions of all these songs, recorded on 4 & 8 track analogue tape, 

Between 1984 to 1987. 

Pre-Order, Ships on February 14th

This release will not be available on Spotify , Apple Music or any streaming service. Digital downloads are avaiable at Poi Dog Pondering’s Bandcamp site: https://poidogpondering.bandcamp.com/

These are remastered from the original cassette albums PDPx1, PDPx2, PDPx3 PDPx4 & PDPx5. 

The Cassette albums we recorded in Frank's bedroom & Rendezvous Recording in Honolulu, and some on the road during PDP's street busking tour of the continent, 1986-87.

They were originally sold on consignment in local record stores in Honolulu and California, and on the street while busking.

These cassette albums caught the attention of the Los Angeles based recording label, Texas Hotel Records, and on the basis of these recording, Frank Orrall was signed to record for Texas Hotel Records. 

Most of these songs were re-recorded for vinyl / CD at Arlyn Studio in Austin Texas in 1988/91, those recordings were distributed by Sony/CBS, worldwide. 

These were previously released in an un mastered form, and in the context of the cassette albums. This is a re-mastered, curated release.

Keep On Loving Each Other - CD version
Mourning Doves "International" C.D. Version

C.D. Mail Order Version of the brand new Debut Album

Poi Dog Pondering: The Original Cassette Albums '84-'87 two CD set!

Limited CD edition, 8 page booklet, Mail Order Only. AVAILABLE NOW on CD and Spotify, itunes, Apple Music, Amazon etc.,

"Audio Love Letter"
"7" Poi Dog Pondering

"Electrique Plummagram CD

vinyl albums



DVD "Audio Visivo" Poi Dog Pondering